jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

My last english post!

Hello guys!

Well,this is the last post I´m going to write for the rest of the carrer,so I´m really sad and can´t bear it!However,I´m not going to make you waste your time with my sorrow,so let´s this last post started.

Well, refering to my english learning experience in Universidad de Chile(my university),I can say it was very productive and funny,because I could remember all grammar terms(and I could know more gramar terms) ,I could improve my pronuntiation and could learn more words than in school.Therefore,I can say wisely I enjoyed this subject quite a lot.However,the thing I could enjoy most was writing posts for this blog(I´m serious),becuase I´ve been able to strengthen my grammar and vocabulary.

Now,refering to the most interesting thing I actually found in this subject,was Simon´s teaching,whose didactic way helps you to apply all theoretical concepts you´ve learned,therefore you will be able to improve such important things as pronuntiation and how to express with people who speak in english.

If you want me to be sensible,I didn´t find anything bad in this subject,not even something bored,because Simon makes classes very funny,so he´s able to draw attention for his classes.

However,I must recognize that the most difficult thing I had to do was talking in english,because I can hardly express myself well,but it wasn´t an excuse for tring at least,and I´m glad I could improve my pronuntiation actually because it was the thing I needed quite a lot.

Anyway,it was a very productive experience with Simon´s english classes,so I´m proud to be his student and at the same time sad for leaving this subject.Well, no matter what I´m going to do anyway because I must keep my way to become a geographer.



jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

The best blog ever!

Hi Fellas!

I don´t really know how many posts I´ve done in this year, and how many blogs I have in the blog of mine during my stay in this subject.However,there is a blog I liked quite a lot,so I´m going to talk to you about this one.

This blog is from my classmate Cristián Campos, and his blog is called "English Blog Cristián Campos".This blog is my favourite because he publishes very interesting topics and talks about them briefly.Besides,my classmate´s blog doesn´t make many mistakes and doesn´t say any lies,therefore his posts are plausible.

The post I like the most is called "The Best Chilean: Pedro Aguirre Cerda" because he mentions the Cerda´s educational management,which the former president promoted the technical-industrial schools and he was the one who created the CORFO(National corporation of promotion of production,for the english  acronym),and my classmate explains it briefly.

Well,the elements my classmate´s blog has,are very simple: he mentions a topic and explains it completely and briefly,he doesn´t get confused with the grammar and terms,and he is direct with the things he writes.Finally, he knows how to speech by himself,and doesn´t need any help to write his posts,so the grramar terms are very plausible.

However,I believe he is missing something.In fact,he doesn´t publish any link to make his posts more attractive and interesting instead publishing photos and images in them.My classmate´s blog just talks about things,but it doesn´t have any support,specially when it´s necessary to do.So,these are his main disadvantages.That´s why,I think he can improve this blog by publishing some link on the posts he publishes(such as videos or some interesting websites).Despite this,it´s a good and complete blog.

Anyway,in my opinion it´s the best blog from this class,and I can say it stands out from the other ones.

Well,this is all I can say for now.


miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

My childhood´s favourite game

Hello fellas!

I have always liked to play something where you can move your whole body,specially when I was a child, so now I´m going to talk about my childhood´s favourite game.This game is called "La Pinta".This game is a popular children´s game(and it still is) whose play mode is quite simple, so i´m going to explain it now.  

In this game,you must run after someone until you can just touch it,then that person has to run after all the participants,untill he can touch somebody else, and so on.This game lasts until all the participants are tired and,therefore,can´t run anymore.This game("La Pinta") explains itself because a person has a diabolical power in their hand,which forces it to spread it to somebody by touching their body;then,the infected person has to do the same thing(run after somebody and spread this evil power to someone else),until all people are finally infected. That´s why, this traditional myth inspires "La Pinta" and,in fact,this myth is reflected in the game.

Well, I often used to play this game when I was a child, and I really enjoyed it.I played "La Pinta" with my former classmates in the school,and my childhood´s friends outside my house after making my homeworks,specially in the weekend,because I had more free time to play it in weekend and could enjoy playing.

I actually liked to play "La Pinta" because I could have a good time with my friends and classmates and share with all of them.Besides,you must use your legs and hands to play it,which it makes it a very active game;that´s why it´s so funny.Therefore,you´ll be able to get physical condition and a healthy body.  

Well,this is it for now.


jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

The best chilean?I don´t think so!!!!

Hello friends!

I just want to say one thing about this topic:It´s very difficult to say who´s the best chilean ever!! Even it´s very hard to me to talk about one of them! So, I´ll try to describe one person who has done very good things,and its deeds have been very important for our country; I mean Pablo Neruda,or Nefatlí Reyes Basoalto.

Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto(Parral,12/07/1904-Santiago of Chile,23/09/1973) was a very important poet and a chilean comunist militant,and he is one of the most important poets in history.In fact, he won the Nobel prize for literature and received a honorary degree for The University Of Oxford. Besides, he was an important political activist and a prominent senator. 

Neruda has written many poetic books,which the most important are:"Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada";"España en el corazón";"Cien sonetos de amor",and many others.He defended our country from Videla´s oppressive government(actually,he oppressed the comunist party,where Neruda was an integrant),publishing very controversial articles and criticizing his governmental management.Finally, he was the Winnipeg manager, the ship that took about two thousand immigrants from France to Chile.

Anyway, his deeds are very important because they helped to chilean people and inspired many people for their carrers and deeds(I don´t really remember who they are,but I´m sure he actually did!).Besides,his deeds have always been very representative for us all.

Finally,if I had to ask him something or say him just one thing (if I could meet him,because he is already dead),it would be:Is Chile a big country,or is Chile a long and very narrow piece of land? Well, I know I can´t do it because he is dead,but I believe it would be worth meeting him. 

Well,guys.This is all I can say for now.