jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

The best blog ever!

Hi Fellas!

I don´t really know how many posts I´ve done in this year, and how many blogs I have in the blog of mine during my stay in this subject.However,there is a blog I liked quite a lot,so I´m going to talk to you about this one.

This blog is from my classmate Cristián Campos, and his blog is called "English Blog Cristián Campos".This blog is my favourite because he publishes very interesting topics and talks about them briefly.Besides,my classmate´s blog doesn´t make many mistakes and doesn´t say any lies,therefore his posts are plausible.

The post I like the most is called "The Best Chilean: Pedro Aguirre Cerda" because he mentions the Cerda´s educational management,which the former president promoted the technical-industrial schools and he was the one who created the CORFO(National corporation of promotion of production,for the english  acronym),and my classmate explains it briefly.

Well,the elements my classmate´s blog has,are very simple: he mentions a topic and explains it completely and briefly,he doesn´t get confused with the grammar and terms,and he is direct with the things he writes.Finally, he knows how to speech by himself,and doesn´t need any help to write his posts,so the grramar terms are very plausible.

However,I believe he is missing something.In fact,he doesn´t publish any link to make his posts more attractive and interesting instead publishing photos and images in them.My classmate´s blog just talks about things,but it doesn´t have any support,specially when it´s necessary to do.So,these are his main disadvantages.That´s why,I think he can improve this blog by publishing some link on the posts he publishes(such as videos or some interesting websites).Despite this,it´s a good and complete blog.

Anyway,in my opinion it´s the best blog from this class,and I can say it stands out from the other ones.

Well,this is all I can say for now.


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